statement by Rahul Gandhi delivered in the Lok Sabha: "Everything is expunged in PM's world."

parliamentary discussion on Monday, Rahul Gandhi criticized the BJP for communal divisiveness, prompting the ruling party to strip portions of his comments.

Rahul Gandhi declared, "Everything is expunged in PM's world." in a tense Lok Sabha session. His criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's governance reflected deep concerns about transparency, accountability, and democratic standards. Gandhi's indignant and determined address showed opposition leaders and the public's growing discontent with the administration's approach to dissent and dialogue.

Gandhi portrayed India as systematically erasing difficult realities from public debate. He said Modi has worked to silence alternative voices and censor criticism, creating a climate where only positive narratives prevail. Gandhi believed this was about rewriting reality by manipulating or erasing facts to meet a purpose.

Gandhi cited specific instances of government-critical parliamentary records and media reporting being altered or erased. The use of sedition laws and other legal weapons to stifle journalists, activists, and political opponents was growing. The recent arrests of famous intellectuals and crackdown on NGOs were described as dissent suppression. Gandhi claimed that these moves were part of a pattern to consolidate power and eliminate democratic checks and balances.

Gandhi's assessment of Modi's economic policy was particularly intriguing. He argued that the administration was whitewashing its economic failings by erasing dissenting data and poor reports. The unemployment crisis, agrarian misery, and demonetization and GST were ignored in official narratives. Gandhi said the administration is faking economic stability and prosperity by limiting information.

Gandhi also criticized the Modi government for promoting intolerance and division. He claimed that government records minimize or omit communal violence and caste-based prejudice to promote societal harmony. He said this selective erasing distorts history and prevents the country from healing from its underlying social difficulties. The government fails to provide justice and equality by ignoring or altering these unpleasant events.

Gandhi was similarly harsh internationally. He claimed that Modi's actions are tarnishing India's reputation as the world's largest democracy. Indian public discourse largely ignores international human rights group and global media reports on press freedom, human rights violations, and democratic backsliding. Gandhi said this weakens India's global standing and the foreign community's trust in its democratic values.

Gandhi concluded by urging a renewed commitment to democracy's essential values of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. He advised politicians and citizens to fight to erase difficult realities and avoid letting one story rule. Democracy depends on diversity of voices and perspectives, and suppressing them leads to totalitarianism, he said.

Gandhi's Lok Sabha speech was a demand for democratic values in India more than a partisan speech. He criticized Prime Minister Modi's governance, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and accountability. The remark "Everything is expunged in PM's world" was a rallying cry for individuals who value truth and dissent in a democracy.

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